Chocolate Myth vs Fact

In all the years of my existence, there is not one person I know who does not like chocolate. I mean if you dislike this sweet treat then you must be seriously disturbed, right?  Kidding aside, the thought of hating chocolate does not simply register in my mind. But if you really do, then I demand a detailed explanation.

Yes it is true that chocolate contains caffeine, but not in dangerous amounts. You can still enjoy chocolate with only little touches of caffeine like the ones in milk chocolate.

They also say that chocolate is associated with acne. You can put the blame in the natural changes in the body as one ages, or charge chocolate for causing your breakouts. But truth be told, there has been no evidence-based proof that chocolate is linked to acne.

The same theory applies with chocolate being held responsible for hyperactivity. It may stimulate a person, but not to the point of going overboard. Studies also failed to show any relevant relationship between chocolate intake and excessive energy.

Moreover, there is no correlation whatsoever between this delightful treat and migraines. It remains in the thought of those who suffer from migraine that the culprit is chocolate.

I think the most common known bad effect of chocolate intake is that it causes tooth decay. That is one big fat lie. Scientists have found that the sugar content of food is not the reason for cavities but rather the length of time food stays inside the mouth. Fruits, crackers, cookies, and other foodstuff that may be chocolate free, once stuck in the teeth, can lead to dental problems.

Also, only an insignificant number of people are allergic to chocolate. A greater part of the population is still allergic to all the other stuff.

Finally, as much as we crave chocolate, it does not yet belong to the basic physiological needs of a person. It is just a treat that people crave for ever so often.  In other words, it's not really addicting.

I bet that if you are aware of the myths that come along with chocolates, then you may tend to become skeptic about taking a piece of a chocolate bar or a sip of brewed chocolate drink. But now, I have already let you in on a secret. Not everything you have heard about is true. These are real and honest facts about chocolate that will eventually turn you from a cynic to a fan.

Joanna Maligaya
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