Walnut Chocolate Rum Balls

Anytime you want to whip up dessert in a jiffy, Walnut Chocolate Rum Balls can be your go-to recipe.

Quick info... rum was made long before any other spirit was manufactured, distilled, and made. For the record, it was actually the first branded spirit. Rations of rum were actually provided for the sailors in the British Army so they could mix it with lime juice to fight off the scurvy.

With regard to walnuts, these nuts are rich sources of energy. They also pack a lot of health benefits. They contain vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and antioxidants that are essential to achieve optimum health.

Walnut Chocolate Rum Balls

• 1 cup walnuts, ground or finely chopped
• 1 1/2 cups sifted powdered sugar
• 2 cups grated "German sweet" or bittersweet chocolate
• 4 tablespoons rum
• Cocoa powder

Combine nuts, sugar, and chocolate. Moisten with rum to form a stiff dough. Form into small balls, and roll in cocoa to coat.

This recipe is not only simple, it's flexible. It can be made with other kinds of liquor (amaretto, sherry, and Southern Comfort work well), nuts (almonds or pecans, for instance) and coatings (ground nuts, finely grated coconut, etc.) and always comes out tasting great. Adding small chunks of nuts for texture is also effective.

Enjoy! 🙂

Joanna Maligaya
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