Monthly Archives: August 2011

Mood Food

We all have our fair share of sickness and sadness. And more often than not, at those certain points in our lives, we cling to our go-to food, our comfort food, and everything just seems better. They make us feel calm, relaxed, and of course, comforted, as they touch our palate.

Chocolates are known to be the universal comfort food.  And chocolate's reputation as a mood-booster makes it a common and appreciated gift, especially to those who are going through tough times, say, breakups.

The term “comfort food”, which was added to the Webster’s Dictionary in 1972, is defined as “food that gives a sense of emotional well-being,” or “any food or drink that one turns to for temporary relief, security or reward.”

Science explains that the brain releases feel-good hormones into the body to compensate for the bad vibes that overpower us in our everyday life like stress, illness, fatigue, among many others. The said hormones are also released in our brains during happy times such as when we hug someone, as bizarre as it may sound.
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Amaretto Chocolate Pudding

Chocolate pudding makes a great Summer-time dessert.  Well, it makes a great dessert any time of the year, but I like pudding in the Summer because it is served chilled and it's kind of a light dessert.  Eating it in the Summer just feels right.

A box of instant chocolate pudding is good, regular (non-instant) is better, and a pudding that is hooched up a bit is even better. 

Here's a chocolate pudding recipe that starts with a box for convenience, adds more chocolate for enhanced chocolate impact, and includes Amaretto liqueur for a nice almond flavor.  The whipping cream on top is a nice touch which you can enhance further by topping with a fruit or more chocolate.
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Aunt Belle’s Chocolate Fudge

Do you remember the slogan for an old commercial that had people taking sides on tacos?  Some would say, “I like making it!” and others would say, “I like eating it!”  If you are over 40 and grew up in the U.S., I’ll bet you remember.

When it comes to fudge, most people would say they like eating it way more than they like making it!
Making fudge is tiresome, tedious work that often ends with unsatisfactory results.  Fudge has to be cooked at a high temperature then cooled while stirred constantly or the sugar will crystallize into a gritty mess.

So, with patience and a gastronomic aptitude one can achieve great fudge.  That is why I like eating it. I don’t possess either one of those fudge making qualities.
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