fun chocolate facts

201 Fun Chocolate Facts

Well this is exciting.  The staff here at Chocolate University Online has recently released an ebook exclusively for the Amazon Kindle.  It's called 201 Fun Chocolate Facts.

If you previously downloaded our ebook 101 Things You Must Know About Chocolate you've seen some of the material that went into this new book.

We greatly expanded and enhanced the content while adding a chocolate trivia quiz at the end so that you have questions you can use to stump your friends.
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Added Awesomeness To The Already Awesome Chocolate

Did my title just scare you? Please, say it didn't. I may come off as a chocoholic who worships chocolate and its overall greatness. Well, yeah, that is actually true. But heck. I am sane enough to be writing this for you. So, welcome, and go on with your reading, and you will perfectly understand why I am just this appreciative when it comes to chocolate.

Lots of things have already been said about chocolate when it comes to its beneficial effects to the human mind and body. Little did we know that further studies and research are being conducted in order to lengthen the existing long list of the good things about it.
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The “Hot” in Hot Chocolate?

Hot ChocolateHave you had your dose of hot chocolate today? I had mine and it was all sorts of yumminess.

I am not your typical morning person who opens her eyes the moment the sun shows up. In fact, I am the type who curls myself up in bed and extends a few more minutes.  But once I hear my tummy rumbling, begging for food, I summon all my might to pull myself up to grab my energizer buddy, the hot chocolate.
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The Origins Of Ice Cream

Ice cream is often called "The Greatest American Dessert." Although the product is usually American, the United States cannot claim its origin and source.

Ice cream is a frozen dairy dessert made from cream or milk, often combined and manufactured with other flavors and fruits. Most of the time it contains sugar, though sometimes other sweeteners are used.

The chosen ingredients are stirred slowly while the product is being cooled.  This allows the air to be integrated and prevents the forming of ice crystals. The result is then a smooth, semi-solid foam that is highly malleable and can easily be scooped.  I'm drooling just thinking about it.
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Origins of the Ice Cream Sundae

The ice cream sundae is typically comprised of a scoop of any ice cream and topped with a sauce or syrup.  In some cases other toppings are also included.

ice cream sundaeAccording the dictionary of Oxford English, the origin of the term is really obscure.  It is generally accepted was derived from the word Sunday and from the German name of Sonntag, which means Sunday.

Many stories of origins are considered to be its original source, and 3 of them are considered to be the most reliable stories.  Here they are...
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Lollipops: Humble Beginnings

Lollipops are a sweet treat, loved by adults and children alike all over the world. They are available in a variety of colors and flavors, often fruit flavors, but there are also chocolate-flavored ones.

With many companies competing to create and distribute lollipops, the candy has become available in many different shapes too. They range from small ones that can be purchased in bulk and given away as mini gifts, to large ones that are made with candy canes twisted into a circle.
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The ‘Emotional’ Benefits of Chocolate

Many experts have advertised that it takes only a spoonful of chocolate to send a person into a sense of bliss and ecstasy.  This may sound like it's a bit of  an exaggeration, but recent research shows that certain foods can affect people's mood similarly to prescription medications.

Naturally occurring chemicals in foods can be considered as a smart and safe choice rather than having to take pills for mood enhancement. I personally believe that it is just wise and healthy to go 'green' and natural in the food we consume. Aside from the many benefits it brings, it also assures us of no harmful synthetic chemicals entering our bodies.

The Torrey Pines Institute of Molecular Studies located in California conducted a study of the effects of more than 1,700 commonly occurring substances that are present in everyday foods. The fact that chocolate is known to have a 'positive' boosting effect on people's mood made it a good candidate for further scrutiny in the study.
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Is Your Chocolate Ethical?

That's an interesting question, isn't it?  Perhaps not something you've considered.  In our chocolate classes, two important lessons include "Responsible Cacao Farming" and "Preventing Exploitation in the Chocolate Industry."

But answering that single question may be even more complex that what most of us may think. Chocolates are undeniably tied to many cultures, many holidays, and many more celebrations.

There are chocolate birthday cakes, chocolate eggs for Easter, chocolates for Valentine's Day, and even chocolate bars for Halloween.  These are just a sampling of the occasions that utilize these sweet and luscious treats.
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More Chocolate In Maya History

Anything you serve me, as long as it has a touch of chocolate in it, will one hundred percent put a glow on my face. It has that strong effect on me being I am a sucker for it and all...

Chocolate Cake with SauceA piece of moist chocolate cake, a bar of milk chocolate, a hot cup of chocolate drink, name it and by all means I will shove it in my mouth. To have the chocolate per se is one thing, but to mix it in with some history interests me even more.
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Eat Chocolate and Do The Math

Not to brag, okay, to brag... Ever since childhood, I’ve always liked numbers. I was even involved in the Mathematics’ Trainers Guild back in the 5th grade.  Only the chosen few were, and I happen to be part of it. As a matter of fact, I even competed in math competitions during those days. Ahh… Glory days.

Even in high school and in college, I kicked butt at Math. I loved numbers almost as much as I loved writing. You had to go through reading that self-absorbed story I have about Math because it has something to do with chocolate, like always.
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