Tag Archive: apples

chocolate cake with berries on top

10 Awesome Ways to Enjoy Chocolate and Fruit

There are many types and varieties of chocolate you can find in the market. You can find sweet milk chocolate almost everywhere. But aside from the famous chocolate bar you commonly see, chocolate also comes in many other forms.

For example, it can come in a powder, as well as nibs, syrups, solids, and butter. These other forms are often used as ingredients in your other favorite desserts, such as cake.

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Apple Peanut Butter Fudge

Peanut butter with the nutrition of apples to boot makes for a healthy snack. Peanut butter is known to contain protein and healthy fats, while apple contains vitamin C and fiber. However in this recipe, we’re only gonna be using apple juice.

Quick fun fact, a medium apple (approximately 3 in. in diameter and weighing 182 g.) contains 95 calories, while two tbsp. of peanut butter has 188 calories. All regular peanut butters have the same amount of calories, whether it be smooth or chunky. Peanut butter also provides you with manganese and niacin. And according to the American Heart Association, most of the fat found in peanut butter is of the unsaturated type. This may help lower cholesterol.

You can rest assured that this is not only delectable, but it’s healthy, as well. And of course, it has chocolate. What more could you ask for?
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Chocolate Apple Bread

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away." True enough, research has it that consuming apples helps us in controlling weight gain. Also, apples could lower our risks of developing certain heart diseases and cancer, among others.

The flavors of chocolate and apple combined works so well in this subtly-spiced bread recipe. The chunky apples even retain some of their crunch and firmness such that every bite will be a delight! And you can never take for granted the scattered chocolate chips throughout, as well as the crunch of the chopped walnuts.

It goes perfectly well with a cup of Joe or a cup of warm tea on days you like to unwind.
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