Tag Archive: chocolate appearance

Chocolate Bloom

Chocolates are supposed to be smooth and glossy. However, there would be instances wherein you'll observe white blemishes on them known as called chocolate "bloom."  It can indicate that the chocolate wasn't stored properly.

Chocolate bloom is a sandy, white film that sometimes forms on the surface of chocolate. Although not pleasant to look at, it is actually a harmless defect. Bloom can be formed from cocoa butter or sugar that has risen to the surface.
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Defining “Quality” Chocolate

Every chocolate shop I visit insists that their chocolate is the best quality, gourmet, premium.  So, when talking about chocolate, what does “quality” mean exactly?

The U.S. FDA has produced formal standards of identity that legally define chocolate and all its related ingredients and by-products.  But, read through all that and you will discover there is nothing that defines the “quality” of chocolate. 

Of course there are standards of “Quality Assurance” within each processing step of making chocolate.  These control standards start with the cocoa bean and follow through to the finished product.  But following these rules means that pretty much any final chocolate available for purchase could be defined as being a “quality” chocolate.
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