Tag Archive: chocolate facts

The Dark Side of Chocolate History

Did you know that some centuries back, the Catholic Church used to associate chocolate with heretical behavior such as blasphemy and even witchcraft? Intriguing? I know.

Does the word 'Inquisition' ring your bell? If not, let me shed some light. The Inquisition, Inquisitio Haereticae Pravitatis (inquiry on heretical perversity), depicts religious overkill, torture, and intolerance. It was the fight against heresy by the Roman Catholic Church.

What certain behavior connects such disheartening event to chocolate, you may ask. Well, it was the act of drinking chocolate alone while attending an event. As morbid as it may sound, there were even stories wherein Charles II, King of Spain, drank chocolate while witnessing Inquisition victims being killed.
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Chocolate Is 2011’s Top Specialty Food

Consumers of all ages (especially those 24-35 years of age, mostly women) across all USA are embracing specialty foods this year, according to a new report from the National Association for the Specialty Food Trade (NASFT). Needless to say, chocolate has always been popular. But now, chocolate has already triumphed over coffee as the top specialty food purchase.

For the time being, Chuao Chocolatier in San Diego County has won a sofi Gold award from the NASFT in the hot-beverage category for its Spicy Maya Hot Chocolate. The just-add-water hot chocolate drink is a blend of cinnamon, pasilla chile and cayenne pepper, giving a spicy finish to it. They all come together with a blend of premium 58 to 72 percent Venezuelan chocolate to make this particular beverage gourmet.
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Chocolate ‘As Good As Exercise’

New studies have revealed that a moderate amount of high quality dark chocolate can be as good as a session in the gym. Cocoa was found to contain a certain compound called epicatechin and this allegedly enhances muscle the same way exercising does.

Researchers at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, conducted an experiment on three groups of 12-month-old mice, the equivalent of middle aged humans: one was given epicatechin twice a day for 15 days, the second one was given epicatechin as well and spent 30 minutes on a treadmill, while the third exercised without receiving the extract.

There was an observed increase in the number of energy-producing mitochondria, the ‘powerhouses’ of cells, in the mice that only took epicatechin and they had significantly better muscle performance and took longer to tire than those that only exercised. It was unusual as these mitochondria are normally a byproduct of getting aerobic exercise such as running or cycling.
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Why Women Crave Chocolates

We all have chocolate cravings, but women seem to have stronger desire for it than men do. Why is it so? Research has found that these cravings may be in relation to blood sugar levels, stress and hormonal changes caused by a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Chocolates have sugar and caffeine content and these can alter your blood sugar levels. One reason why we sometimes crave chocolates is because sugar in our blood hits the low levels and chocolates can be a good source of a quick sugar fix.

Eating chocolate never fails to make you feel good and this is due to the  serotonin which is a neurotransmitter that can enhance the mood. This is the main reason why chocolate is a renowned comfort food.
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Does Fair Trade Chocolate Taste Good?

What is Fair-trade chocolate, and does it taste as good as non-fair trade chocolate?

The Fair Trade chocolate model is intended to ensure cacao farmers receive a fair price for their harvest. Fair trade seeks to create more trade links between farmer and buyer with the intent of eliminating the “middleman.”

It is about sustainability, responsible farming, and supplying a community of growers with better education, health care, and the elimination of child and slave labor. It all sounds like good stuff.

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Chocolate and Romance: A Great Pairing

No one knows for sure how St. Valentines Day became synonymous with romantic love. There are a number of theories, but that is not really important.  Once the tradition got started, all kinds of things naturally presented themselves as part of the language of love...

Like chocolate, for instance.
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Who Invented Chocolate?

In my opinion, everyone involved in the early evolution of cacao plant into an edible substance we call chocolate should receive a "get into heaven free" card regardless of their religious beliefs!

While there is no one particular person who invented chocolate, most experts believe the ancient Maya discovered the delicious secrets of chocolate between 250-900 A.D.

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Is White Chocolate Really Chocolate?

Yes and No.

White chocolate is a blend of cocoa butter, milk, sugar, and vanilla.  There is no chocolate liquor (chocolate solids) present, so, can you really call it chocolate?  Perhaps not.

However, there is a legal definition for white chocolate to separate it from other “white stuff,” so perhaps yes.

According to U.S. regulations, white chocolate needs to be at least 20% cocoa butter and at least 14% total milk solids.
Beware - there are white chocolate look-a-likes out there!
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Chocolate Definitions

Confusion in the world of chocolate? 

You might think, "there’s nothing confusing about chocolate -- you buy it, you eat it!"  The reality is, the chocolate world has its own lingo, with terms and definitions that apply to the tasting of chocolate, the baking and cooking of chocolate, and the making of chocolate confections. 

nibs, cocoa, and chocolateTo help you keep it all straight, here is a list of some common chocolate vocabulary along with their definitions...
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American Chocolate Holidays

Today I caught myself absent-mindedly jumping from website to website (I think this is the equivalent to channel surfing) when I landed on a site dedicated to listing American holidays.  What really caught my attention was the list of American FOOD Holidays.  Hey, did you know that each day of the year has an assigned food to worship?

Here are some examples:

  • January 16 -- National Fig Newton Day
  • February 7 -- National Fettuccine Alfredo Day
  • March 23 -- National Chip and Dip Day
  • April 6 -- National Caramel Popcorn Day
  • Chocolate HolidaysMay 7 -- National Roast Leg of Lamb Day

And so on...
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