Tag Archive: chocolate myths

Facts and Myths About Chocolate – Infographic

Here is an infographic showing some common myths about chocolate and the facts that show chocolate is not as bad for your health as you might think. Of course, as a reader of this blog, you are often exposed to the health benefits of chocolate.

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Chocolate Myth vs Fact

In all the years of my existence, there is not one person I know who does not like chocolate. I mean if you dislike this sweet treat then you must be seriously disturbed, right?  Kidding aside, the thought of hating chocolate does not simply register in my mind. But if you really do, then I demand a detailed explanation.

Yes it is true that chocolate contains caffeine, but not in dangerous amounts. You can still enjoy chocolate with only little touches of caffeine like the ones in milk chocolate.

They also say that chocolate is associated with acne. You can put the blame in the natural changes in the body as one ages, or charge chocolate for causing your breakouts. But truth be told, there has been no evidence-based proof that chocolate is linked to acne.
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