Tag Archive: free chocolate

Harlow Chocolate Run

A voluntary group in the U.K., called the Harlow Chocolate Run, has been providing food, drinks, and clothes to the homeless locally and nearby areas for over 40 years now.

The organizer of Harlow Chocolate Run, Mick Granger, believes that the people they are helping are usually at their all time low which he thinks is a very lonesome situation to be in, so they help them in whatever way possible.

"There is a lot of stigma surrounding the homeless yet so many don't realize that it can take just one traumatic event – a relationship break-up, the loss of a job, grief – to leave people like you and me vulnerable", said Mick.
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Real Chocolate Relief Act?

Where have I been?  I suppose too busy working on Chocolate University Online lessons and support materials as well as handling website and blog issues.

Back in May, Mars put up a website at www.realchocolate.com that is giving away chocolate on Fridays through October.  I just discovered this today!

In their words, "Times are tough and we at Mars want to help. How, you ask? Every Friday through October, Mars will give away free real chocolate to 250,000 people."
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