Tag Archive: health problems

Chocolate Reduces Risk of Stroke

It has come to my attention that people have been living and leading healthy lives in the past few years. They have been eating responsibly, stopped smoking and drinking, sleep for plenty of time, and exercise regularly. This is really a good news for people who have been plagued by health-related diseases that restricts them to be the best persons they can be.

In a recent study, researchers have found out that eating a healthy dose of chocolates every week was indeed associated and linked to a reduced rate of stroke incidents particularly in the male-side of the populace. (If you are a lady who loves the men in your life, then the consideration of buying them chocolates is really a good idea.)
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Dark Chocolate Can Alleviate PMS Symptoms

Premenstrual syndrome or PMS is a collective term for all the physical and emotional symptoms that come with a woman's menstrual cycle. Such symptoms are due to the changes in estrogen and progesterone levels in the female body during women's monthly periods.  Often times, these symptoms cause immense discomfort and distress.

Such changes can bring about a domino effect in the body which often leads to a temporary drop in the levels of hormones serotonin and endorphins, both considered to be feel-good hormones.

Being irritable and feeling exhausted all the time are among the most common symptoms experienced when PMS-ing. It goes without saying that it can be such a pain in the neck, but there are measures one can take to somehow alleviate the symptoms.
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Chocolate And Stearic Acid

Suffice it to say, chocolate is all the rage this time of the year since it's already Valentine’s Day next week. Chocolates have always had a track record of being a delectable treat yet considered as a no-no food, especially with the figure-conscious. In the present day, studies have revealed that chocolate turns out to have a handful of nutritional benefits and is not conclusively a food taboo.

Regardless of the fact that chocolate contains saturated fat, scientific studies indicate that consumption of chocolate does not have any influence on the level of  cholesterol in your blood. This is possible for the reason that not every saturated fat is the same. The fat found in chocolate is derived from cocoa butter, the natural fat present in cocoa beans.
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A Chocolate a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

It’s not like we ever need any encouragement to eat chocolate, but just in case, here’s one: a new study suggests that people who eat it regularly may not only be satisfying their sweet tooth craving, but also cutting down the risk of developing certain diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and stroke by 37%, 31% and 29%, respectively.

"We found a potential link between chocolate consumption and prevention of heart disease,” said Dr. Oscar H. Franco, lead researcher from the department of public health and primary care at the University of Cambridge in the UK. The studies involved more than 114,000 participants and consumption of both dark and milk chocolate and incorporated chocolate bars, chocolate drinks and chocolate snacks. “At this point, we are in the early stages of research," he added.
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Does Chocolate Cause Migraines?

It has long been attributed, especially by women, that chocolate acts as one of the triggers for migraine headaches.  So far, however, scientists have failed to show any correlation between migraines and chocolate. 

One study found that 19% of 490 persons with migraines reported they thought chocolate caused their headaches, while other studies had participants report no relationship between chocolate and migraine headaches.
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