Tag Archive: Italian

Chocolate-Chip Biscotti

The Italians are kind of liberal with the word biscotti, considering they call any type of cookie biscotti. Meanwhile, in North America, the term biscotti refers to cookies that are long, dry, hard, and twice-baked with a curved top and flat bottom designed for dunking into coffee or even wine. The term ‘biscotti’ is derived from 'bis' meaning twice in Italian and 'cotto', meaning baked or cooked.

Biscotti can supposedly be traced back to Columbus's time, specifically to an Italian baker who is said to have served these treats with Tuscan wines. As Biscotti became massively popular almost all the provinces developed their own flavored version. Since their shelf life was quite long, they were an ideal food for sailors, soldiers, and fisherman.

Enough with the information overload, here's the recipe!

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