Tag Archive: Keira Knightley

Chocolate Before Doomsday

I know all of us have managed to watch at least a couple of movies whose plot is focused on alien invasion, world destruction, or whatever a screenwriter could think of as long as it is related to ending all the life on this planet. This trend became more elevated with the infamous doomsday thing in the year 2012. I’m not sure if people are just plain masochists thinking about losing their souls or are really curious on whether this suspicion is true and if so, when is it exactly going to happen.

Of course dying is an unpleasant thing most especially if you are unprepared for it. So if it is my turn to go, I think it would be helpful if I knew about it ahead of time. That is not for me to stop it because I am no superhero or God, but the awareness of it will somehow make sense.
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