Tag Archive: marshmallows

Disappearing Marshmallow Brownies

I have been using my oven more than I usually do, but I ain’t complaining! This dessert is outrageously decadent & comforting any day of the week.

Moist fudge brownies with marshmallows. It’s not a true “brownie”, though, it’s a blondie!  Stopping while there’s still some left in your plate is almost impossible! It’s sooo rich, so a glass of milk or coffee might come in handy!
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Marshmallow Puffs

Marshmallows are perfect for a mug of hot chocolate. Roasting them over an open fire is not too shabby, either. Marshmallows just spell fun.

Let me give you some interesting tidbits about this well-loved treat. Egyptians had their version of this treat through combining grains and honey with the sap of the mallow root. Such mixture was baked into a cake, which was only served to royalty and gods.

The French were held responsible for the marshmallows that we are enjoying today. Candy manufacturers mixed the sap of the mallow with corn syrup and egg whites. Such mixture was individually molded by hand.
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