Tag Archive: nutritional benefits

High Flavonol Chocolate

Here's a question that was posed to me recently...

What is the difference between store bought chocolate and the high flavonol chocolate found in all those scientific studies?

The simple answer to this question is found in the question itself.  Store bought chocolate typically has lower quantities of flavonol substances.  OK, that's a weak answer.  Here is some explanation...
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Functional Chocolate: Snacking with Benefits

Chocolate for chocolate’s sake is just not cutting it anymore with consumers.  Apparently we are demanding chocolate with more meaning, purpose, and benefit.

The general term for this type of chocolate is “functional chocolate.”   Functional chocolates supply a nutritional benefit and chocolate is a good vehicle for transporting things like vitamins, probiotics, omega-3, and calcium.

In the last couple years, a few companies have introduced functional chocolates and one of them is Maramor Chocolates.  You can find some of their products at Walgreen’s and GNC stores across the nation.
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