Why Is Chocolate Harmful To Dogs?

Many pet owners do not know that chocolate is not good for their pets, especially when consumed in large quantities. A small piece of chocolate can cause problems for your pet. A large piece of chocolate can be quite severe.

The truth is that chocolate is poisonous to pets. So, why is chocolate a favorite snack for humans, but poisonous for dogs?

  • Chocolate contains cocoa, and cocoa contains a substance called theobromine. Studies show that this substance is harmful to pets when consumed in large quantities.
  • Theobromine has even more serious effects on dogs as compared to other pets. So, it is very important to make sure your dogs don’t get any access to chocolates or any other foods that may contain theobromine.
  • It is also wise to note that the effect of theobromine varies depending on the amount and type of chocolate. Dark chocolate, baking chocolate, and cocoa powder contain a higher quantity of theobromine as compared to milk chocolate.

dark chocolate, baking chocolate, and cocoa powder

No chocolate is recommended, but it is good for you to know the ones that have extreme levels of theobromine. Remember, the poisonous levels of theobromine depend on the amount of chocolate that your dog consumes. Additionally, the size of your dog also matters.

What Happens When Dogs Eat Chocolate?

Dogs often vomit when they eat chocolate or any other food that contains theobromine. If your dog doesn’t vomit, it is important that you seek the help of a vet or give your dog hydrogen peroxide. The recommended dosage of hydrogen peroxide is one tablespoon for every twenty pounds of dog.

If you have problems giving your dog hydrogen peroxide, try adding some peanut butter to it. Some dogs will leave their bowl completely clean when given peanut butter. The goal here is to make your dog vomit. Once he vomits, do not try to give him anything else - food or water.

peanut butter on a spoon

If, by chance, you believe that your pet has eaten chocolate, do not wait for the warning signs to show up before you do anything. The warning signs can take six to twelve hours to appear. Common symptoms include the following:

  • Diarrhea
  • Pacing
  • Shaking
  • Extreme thirst
  • Seizures
  • A lot of energy
  • Increased heart rate 

Theobromine can stay in your dog’s system for a very long time. In some cases, the stimulant can linger for a period of about three days (72 hours). Therefore, it is advisable that you seek medical treatment for your dog if you suspect that he has eaten chocolate. Early treatment will help him recover sooner and reduce medical expenses.

Unlike other pets, dogs have a sweet tooth. This means that dogs can eat almost anything that has a sweet taste. What’s worse is the fact that dogs don’t know when they are full. They don’t know when to stop. In fact, studies show that a ten pound dog will eat one pound of chocolate if given a chance.

Besides chocolate there are other toxic foods. You can find a full list of toxic foods for dogs here.

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