chocolate recipes

Chocolate Apple Bread

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away." True enough, research has it that consuming apples helps us in controlling weight gain. Also, apples could lower our risks of developing certain heart diseases and cancer, among others.

The flavors of chocolate and apple combined works so well in this subtly-spiced bread recipe. The chunky apples even retain some of their crunch and firmness such that every bite will be a delight! And you can never take for granted the scattered chocolate chips throughout, as well as the crunch of the chopped walnuts.

It goes perfectly well with a cup of Joe or a cup of warm tea on days you like to unwind.
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Peach Chocolate Cake

We always want the best for our children, especially when their health is on the line. However, it can be such a chore to feed your children with vegetables and even fruits. Thus, you have to come up with ways to successfully do so.

Peaches pack a lot of nutritional value that we need, such as niacin, thiamine, potassium and calcium. They also have high levels of beta carotene, an antioxidant that converts into Vitamin A, which the human body requires to have a healthy heart and eyes. Peaches also have high fiber contents, and this is helpful in maintaining healthy bowel.

You can let your kids eat peaches by incorporating them into other food you give them. To get them to eat more fruit like peaches, try whipping them up with fruit smoothies, and yes, cakes!

Here is a recipe that combines chocolate and peaches. A pairing that even the pickiest eater will love!
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Chocolate Mint Brownies

Chocolate and mint never fails to make a good combination, whether it be used in drinks, candies, and so on. This time, we'll be using the choco-mint flavor in the treat we all love. Brownies!

Brownies can either be "cake-style" or "fudge-style." Cake-style is that with the consistency of a cake, only richer and denser. On the other hand, fudge-style, true to its name, is more like fudge than cake.

While sometimes used even in beauty products, mint is mostly utilized in the culinary department. It is often used in beverages, syrups, ice cream, and chocolate candies.
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Rocky Road Candy

Just because you are no longer a little kid doesn't mean you can't have those out of the blue candy cravings. It happens to each one of us from time to time. The force may be strong in some people, but others just can't resist the allure of a delectable piece of chocolate candy!

Rocky Road has always been exciting and interesting as it gives you the softness and sponginess of marshmallows, the crunch and subtle saltiness of peanuts, as well as the melt-in-your-mouth goodness of chocolate!

Below is a recipe you can make for yourself or share with your loved ones. Just don't go overboard with the munching, albeit difficult.
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Pineapple Chocolate Cake

I've said it a thousand times. Chocolate cakes are precious all their own, but they get all the more interesting when you add something into the recipe. In this one, we'll be throwing in some pineapples.

Pineapple's natural tang and sweetness catch the fancy of many. Aside from the pleasure it gives to the palate, it is known to be the one of healthiest fruits. The perks you get from eating pineapples include lowering your chances of getting hypertension, maintaining your good eye health, and boosting your immune system.

Pineapples are also very efficient in dealing with your constipation plus it aids in weight loss and gives you beautiful skin as well! Try whipping up this delectable chocolate cake with the yumminess of pineapple to have a different kind of eating pleasure.
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Chocolate Crepes

I wanted to make a soufflé recipe given that yesterday, February 28, was National Chocolate Soufflé Day, but I remembered I have already given you an easy soufflé recipe before. To refresh your mind, a soufflé is a baked cake with a light and airy texture which is basically composed of egg yolks and whipped egg whites along with other basic ingredients.

I'll give you a crepe recipe instead. A crêpe or crepe refers to a thin kind of pancake which is basically composed of wheat flour. Its name is derived from a French word which means "curled". It may have originated in Brittany but it is widely popular in France.
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Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Cookies

Cookies can be many things to many people. They can be a daily treat or an occasional guilty pleasure. They can be a midnight snack staple just before you hit the sheets. They can be your go-to food during unannounced visits from friends. They can be practically anything you want them to be. It gets all the better when you throw nutritious stuff into the picture.

A banana can be a delectable dessert all its own since it is sweet by nature. Aside from being delicious, bananas are known for their substantial health benefits. They contain high levels of potassium, fiber, and essential vitamins such as vitamin C and vitamin A.

On the other hand, oatmeal makes a wise choice too when you’re rooting for nutritional content. It’s particularly good for the heart. It’s also proven to lower cholesterol and stabilize sugar in the blood, and also, it can basically boost the immune system.
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Chocolate Yogurt Ice

Yogurt is widely used across the globe nowadays, and we know all too well that it's a renowned health food. It derived its name from the Turkish word "yogurur", meaning "long life".

Research has it that a cup of plain yogurt, which is around 240 mg, purportedly contains 140 calories. Not so bad for a tasty treat, eh?

More to these, regular consumption of yogurt is said to have several health benefits, and among those is that it aids in better absorption of the nutrients you get from other food.

It is a highly nutritious food on its own, containing numerous health benefits that include protein, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12.
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Snickers Pie

If you're expecting some friends or family members to come over to your house, and you happen to be clueless about what to serve for dessert, fret not. Snickers Pie can come to your rescue.

It consists of Snickers candy bars which, apparently, were invented by Frank Mars in 1930. He allegedly put in some chocolate to an already existing snack, and then named it after one of his family's favorite horses. This candy bar is basically composed of roasted peanuts and caramel mixture on top of a bar of nougat, all covered in milk chocolate. Just a bit of trivia; each Snickers bar is said to contain approximately 16 peanuts.
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Chocolate Carrot Cake

Plain chocolate cake is downright delicious, but at times, it can become such a bore. (Did I really say that?)  And what better way to give it more oomph than putting in additional ingredients. Case in point: carrots.

One of the most sought-after nutritional benefits you can get from carrots is the beta-carotene that gets converted into vitamin A, helpful for eyesight. But aside from that, carrots have been proven to lower the levels of cholesterol in the system and also aid in combating heart attacks and cancer.

However, there are people who just aren't big fans of carrots, or vegetables, for that matter. If you're one of them, fret not because the carrot-y taste is not gonna outstand the chocolaty taste. Instead, the carrot will just enhance the overall flavor of the chocolate cake.
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