Chocolate Covered Cicadas?

A popular candy and peanut shop has been around Nashville for more than 80 years. But just recently, the well-known store created a buzz all over town. They started to offer chocolate covered cicadas for their consumers. From then on, customers went in, and out, of their shop.

Insects have long been enjoyed as a culinary delicacy all over the world. The owner thought of giving cicadas a shot in her own kitchen.

According to the owner, Olivia Swallows, the popularity of her very own chocolate covered cicadas started when the people behind their peanut shop posted a message about it on the store’s Facebook page. The word of mouth and social media really made a lot of people get curious enough to have a taste of this confection.

The thought of tasting a sweet and crunchy cicada really made an impact on a lot of people. Dozens of daring souls had to see and taste this treat themselves. Little do they know that there is a dark secret behind the latest fear factor-like craze.

The secret that lies hidden under this treat’s sudden rise to fame is actually a chocolate covered honey toasted pecan. The consumers were actually punked, peanut style! It is not the real thing. The reason for this fun idea is to persuade the people to tell their friends and acquaintances about the delicious cicadas.

The fun part is that there were only a few people who discovered the pecan – cicada swap. The peanut prank totally gave a positive response to the people who went for the prank and because of that the owner decided to use the real thing in the future.

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