Tag Archive: dopamine

Do You Think You Are Addicted To Chocolate?

Did you know that according to research, chocolate is one of the most craved foods in the world? Some people even claim that they are chocoholics but, is it really possible to be addicted to it? Can we even consider it as a drug?

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Chocolate Cravings Explained

Chocolate is one of the world’s favorite things. It’s way beyond just a treat. It’s unimaginable, even, to know there’s chocolate in the pantry and just ignore it. Why can’t we just resist its allure? Why can’t we do without it? The psychology behind these intense chocolate cravings is becoming more and more controversial a topic for researchers.

Dr. Amy Jo Stavnezer, a professor of psychology and neuroscience, can give some explanation for the existence of such cravings. “The experience of eating chocolate releases dopamine in particular brain regions. That same dopamine is released during sex, laughter and other activities that are enjoyable. Moreover, the frontal lobe creates a memory of this experience, so whenever people think of chocolate, the brain craves for that same experience again.”, she says.

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The ‘Emotional’ Benefits of Chocolate

Many experts have advertised that it takes only a spoonful of chocolate to send a person into a sense of bliss and ecstasy.  This may sound like it's a bit of  an exaggeration, but recent research shows that certain foods can affect people's mood similarly to prescription medications.

Naturally occurring chemicals in foods can be considered as a smart and safe choice rather than having to take pills for mood enhancement. I personally believe that it is just wise and healthy to go 'green' and natural in the food we consume. Aside from the many benefits it brings, it also assures us of no harmful synthetic chemicals entering our bodies.

The Torrey Pines Institute of Molecular Studies located in California conducted a study of the effects of more than 1,700 commonly occurring substances that are present in everyday foods. The fact that chocolate is known to have a 'positive' boosting effect on people's mood made it a good candidate for further scrutiny in the study.
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Think, and Eat Less Chocolate?

Do you ever crave a chocolate bar and then resign yourself to only dream about it, knowing that if you act upon your desires it will just add extra calories to your already holiday-cookie saturated diet?

If you are like me (and answered YES, YES, YES!) then there may be some good news in your future.  Close your eyes and imagine that you are eating that chocolate bar, and you will devour less of it!

There is a new study released from Carnegie Mellon University that suggests thinking about forbidden food could make you eat smaller portions of it.  Forming a mental picture before we eat causes us to reduce the amount we would eat of that particular food later.
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Is Chocolate a Mood Food?

You've heard things about chocolate: chocolate makes you feel good, in love, amorous, calm, not depressed.  Fact or fiction?

There is no doubt chocolate brings about chemical reactions in the body, in fact, all food stimulates endorphins in the brain when eaten.  But even with all that going on, scientists have yet to find sufficient evidence that proves chocolate and other “mood foods” can cause enough bodily changes to be noticeable.

Scientists know that neurotransmitters affect the brain. High levels of serotonin are associated with feelings of being calm, happy, and relaxed; and dopamine and norepinephrine cause feelings of pleasure and reward. The physiological connection between food and brain chemicals has been documented but the effects are usually not enough to make a real difference in our moods.
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