The ‘Emotional’ Benefits of Chocolate

Many experts have advertised that it takes only a spoonful of chocolate to send a person into a sense of bliss and ecstasy.  This may sound like it's a bit of  an exaggeration, but recent research shows that certain foods can affect people's mood similarly to prescription medications.

Naturally occurring chemicals in foods can be considered as a smart and safe choice rather than having to take pills for mood enhancement. I personally believe that it is just wise and healthy to go 'green' and natural in the food we consume. Aside from the many benefits it brings, it also assures us of no harmful synthetic chemicals entering our bodies.

The Torrey Pines Institute of Molecular Studies located in California conducted a study of the effects of more than 1,700 commonly occurring substances that are present in everyday foods. The fact that chocolate is known to have a 'positive' boosting effect on people's mood made it a good candidate for further scrutiny in the study.

It turns out that substances found in chocolates (coincidentally found in many other foods) are of similar composition to that of valproic acid, a chemical used in mood-stabilizing drugs.

The consumption of chocolate has significant effects on the brain's creation of opioids. These chemicals are the ones responsible for the reduction of pain sensations as well as enhancement of pleasure.  They provide the sense of overall happiness and well-being.

The natural opioids of the body include endorphins, substances that increase pain tolerance. Studies have shown that the instant  mood improvements linked with the consumption of chocolates is related to the reward response.  This means that chocolates do make us feel better because we happen to love the way it tastes.

The increase of these chemicals raises the level of the brain's dopamine and is definitely believed to be a triggering factor of the 'reward response'. Inside the mid-brain there is a type of neural network connecting to the nucleus.  This is responsible for the generation of positive feelings that follow specific behaviors.

Well, that's all very scientific, but in the end it points out what you already know... eat chocolate, feel good!

Joanna Maligaya
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